Not All Refugees Are Welcome Here


No, nitwits, not all refugees are welcome here.

Muslim extremist refugees seeking to wage jihad on our soil and kill all infidels are not welcome here.

Anti-American refugees seeking to transform our society and culture into a Balkanized hell are not welcome here.

Misogynist refugees who treat their (multiple) wives as second-class citizens and subjugate their daughters (who are vulnerable to “honor killings” for the slightest transgressions) are not welcome here.

Jobless refugees seeking to soak up our tax dollars while griping about our lack of generosity are not welcome here.

From Michelle Malkin

For years, left-wingers would contest my use of the term “open borders lobby” because, they sternly rebuked me, nooooobody in America seriously believes in open borders.


This weekend, thousands of anti-Trump liberals took to the streets, airports and college campuses chanting “all are welcome” and shrieking “let them in” to protest White House executive orders enforcing our borders. In case their position wasn’t clear enough, the mobs bellowed:

“No borders, no nations, f— deportations!”

“No walls, no borders, f— executive orders!”

Militant mayors in Seattle, Denver and New York City re-declared themselves open-borders sanctuaries — or as I call them, outlaw cities. All of California will now consider declaring itself a “sanctuary state.” Radical progressive companies vowed to hire 10,000 refugees (Starbucks), provide free housing to refugees (Airbnb) and subsidize left-wing legal efforts to fight President Trump’s refugee moratorium and enhanced visa-holder vetting (Lyft).

Reasonable people can argue about the details and implementation of Trump’s policies. But the John Lennon-addled “Imagine there’s no country” crowd is post-reason. Their treacle is treacherous.
