10 Takeaways From Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS Senate Testimony

NewImageFrom Mollie Hemingway: 

  1. The Most Interesting Part Turned Out Not To Be True
  2. The Substance Of The Dossier Was Not Verified By Fusion GPS
  3. The Impetus For Going to the FBI Turned Out To Be Disinformation Or Misinformation
  4. The Dossier Author Was In a Relationship With The FBI
  5. Russia Is Either Good Or Bad, Depending
  6. Despite Knowing Everyone At Trump Tower Meeting, Claims No Knowledge
  7. Simpson Misleads About Democratic Ties
  8. Fusion Pushed Dossier During Campaign
  9. Journalistic Retaliation
  10. What Was Feinstein Thinking?

Read the entire breakdown of all ten points over at The Federalist. 
