Democrats Refuse To Address The Contents Of The Twitter Files – Attack The Messengers Instead

No surprise here. If you cannot attack the message, attack the messenger.

There are some that say not much was learned or gained from the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government this past week as politicians sparred over the meaning of the release of the Twitter Files. Democrats in particular seemed adamant that they would not discuss the actual contents of the files or their implications. Their apparent goal? To disrupt exploration of the information and to attack the messengers.

There might not have been many new revelations coming from the subcommittee, but what the public did learn was that the political left is extremely hostile to facts, evidence and the truth. If you didn’t already know that by now, the hearing with Matt Taibbi made it abundantly clear.

Leftist members of the committee proceeded into a tirade when Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger were called to testify on their participation in the publishing of the files, attacking everything from their credentials to their intentions, and even demanding they reveal information on their private sources. Here is the real information the Dems did not want to talk about:

It is well known that Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger and Elon Musk have long been liberal leaning in their politics, yet the accusations from Democrats asserted some form of conspiracy between Musk, Taibbi and Republicans, with some members even insinuating an effort to “undermine democracy.” What right did they have to take this position?

They claim that Musk and Taibbi are hiding data that shows Trump and Republicans were making requests to censor Twitter users as well. In other words, they assert there is a “conspiracy” to protect Republicans while denouncing Democrats.


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