Kamala Harris condemns D.C. demonstrators despite past encouragement of violent BLM mobs | One America News Network

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Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) attempted to condemn the violence on Capitol Hill despite her history of praising Black Lives Matter protests.

On Thursday, Harris kicked her speech off by attacking the violent protestors on Capitol Hill following the lead of many Republicans who also denounced the demonstration.

“The challenge we’re facing in our country is about more than the actions of the few we watched yesterday,” Harris stated. “It’s about how to reform, how to transform a justice system that does not work equally for all.”

While many lawmakers delivered statements from a non-partisan perspective, Harris made her argument politically charged, claiming if Black Lives Matter protestors had also stormed the Capitol, they would have been treated much worse.

Kamala Harris on Twitter: “We have witnessed two systems of justice: one that let extremists storm the U.S. Capitol yesterday, and another that released tear gas on peaceful protestors last summer. It’s simply unacceptable. / Twitter”

We have witnessed two systems of justice: one that let extremists storm the U.S. Capitol yesterday, and another that released tear gas on peaceful protestors last summer. It’s simply unacceptable.

Kamala Harris condemns D.C. demonstrators despite past encouragement of violent BLM mobs | One America News Network:
