Khizr Khan on The US Constitution and Sharia Law

NewImageRemember Khizr Khan? The Gold Star father who was paraded at the 2016 Democratic National Convention?

Did you know he’s a lawyer? In fact, he has Law degree from Harvard Law School. Quite prestigious.

Did you also know that he wrote an essay in the Houston Journal of International Law entitled “Juristic Classification of Islamic Law” (1983; Vol. 6:23; p. 23-35). In it, note that all laws, including the US Constitution, is subordinate to sharia law. On page 27 he writes:

“To Muslims, the Quran being the very word of God, it is the absolute authority from which springs the very conception of legality and every legal obligation.”

This is a problem for Americans, since the US Constitution & sharia law are completely incompatible.

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