Reagan Republican Leaders Resign

Via Cd’A Press

A Republican Party that includes Donald Trump no longer has room for Jeff Ward or Lora Gervais. In protest, the two leaders of the Kootenai County Reagan Republicans notified the club’s board last week that they’re resigning, and the public announcement is expected to be made today, Ward said. “I cannot associate with a party that would nominate Donald Trump,” Ward told The Press Wednesday. KCRR Secretary Larry Seaward said the entire situation will be discussed with members today at noon at The Fedora Pub & Grille in Coeur d’Alene. He said his advice for people is to “come to the meeting and listen.” “This is not a war, and it has nothing to do with our club,” Seaward told The Press. “It has to do with national issues.” It has to do with Donald Trump.