12 Pieces Of Proof: The MSM Knew Obama Spied On Trump and LIED To Cover It Up

12 Pieces of Proof: The MSM Knew Obama Spied On Trump and LIED To Cover It Up

What I am about to present to you is what really happened. All the proof is linked below, but what I’m about to do is what I call “Revealing the Matrix,” showing you the truth backed by incontrovertible fact and the media’s own words. Not my words. Not President Trump’s words.

1. Heat Street – November 7, 2016

2. The Guardian – January 11, 2017

3. The New York Times – January 12, 2017

4. The BBC – January 17, 2017

5. McClatchy – January 18, 2017

6. The New York Times – Jan 19, 2017

7. The Washington Post – February 9, 2017

8. CNN – February 14, 2017

9. NBC News – February 10, 2017

10. The Associated Press – February 13, 2017

11. ABC News – February 13, 2017

12. CBS News – February 10, 2017