Standing Rock Protesters Leave Gobs of Trash That Could Threaten the River


This seems to be the calling card of the progressives: tons of trash left when they are done. 

It’s clear that they don’t really care for the environment. 

Environmental activists (and several pretentious celebrities) protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock, North Dakota apparently left behind more than just good vibes when they vacated their campground.

The Washington Times reports a massive cleanup effort is underway to clear the campground of debris and trash left behind by the alleged environmentalists, who reportedly left heaps of abandoned sleeping bags, tents, trash bags, canned food and other general trash at the site. Sanitation crews and volunteers have been tasked with cleaning up the area to keep all the junk from washing into the nearby Cannonball River – which is terribly ironic, considering the activists were supposedly protesting a pipeline they said would threaten the Standing Rock Sioux’s drinking supply from said river.

From the Washington Times:

“Without proper remediation, debris, trash, and untreated waste will wash into the Cannonball River and Lake Oahe,” the Corps said in its statement.

Those involved in the clean-up effort, led by the Standing Rock Sioux, say it could take weeks for private sanitation companies and volunteers to clear the expanse of abandoned tents, teepees, sleeping bags, blankets, canned food, supplies and just plain garbage littering the Oceti Sakowin camp.