Protester Didn’t Speak Out Against Obama’s 2011 Iraq Ban Because She Loved Obama


It’s like I’ve been saying about the partisans in the Democrat Party — they would never disagree with anything Obama did, no matter how much it was against their beliefs. 

So leftists have gone into a fit because President Donald Trump put a temporary ban on immigration from a few countries until the government can establish a better vetting process. How quickly they forget that former President Barack Obama instilled a similar ban in 2011 regarding those from Iraq.

So why didn’t these people protest Obama? One gave a refreshing honest answer:

The Daily Signal on Twitter: “Interviewer: In 2011 President Obama banned people from Iraq-did that not concern you?Protester: No because I loved President Obama. / Twitter”

Interviewer: In 2011 President Obama banned people from Iraq-did that not concern you?Protester: No because I loved President Obama.
