2 in 3 young Americans say GOP and Dems don’t represent them


Despite the millions of dollars spent on primaries, national conventions, and hours of television coverage, the majority of young Americans are disenfranchised by both the Republicans and Democrats, according to a new poll.

Across racial and ethnic groups just 28 percent of young adults said the two major parties do a good job of representing themaccording to a new GenForward poll.

While 72 percent of young Americans felt disenfranchised by the two-party system, the Democratic Party still had an advantage in appealing to young people of color. Large majorities of black voters, 66 percent; Asians, 65 percent; and Latinos, 58 percent, believe the Democratic Party care about people like them.

On the other side of the aisle, a majority, especially among young people of color, thinks the Republican Party is too extreme.

For young whites, the majority felt evenly split between the both parties. Fifty-eight percent said the Republicans didn’t care about their issues, and 52 percent found the Democrats didn’t care.

Issues of concern to young adults are their economic futures, the police and the criminal justice system, terrorism, gun violence and LGBT policy issues.

The progressives have done a great job using the government schools to indoctrinate the youth. 

The majority of young adults said Trump, the billionaire real estate magnate is “unqualified to be present even after beating 16 GOP rivals.” Others were just as critical about the Democratic candidate.

“There’s more hope, I think, for the Democratic Party, but we’re going to have to force them,” Michigan resident, Rachel Mace, 20, told Associated Press. Mace supported Sanders and wants a party that makes a meaningful commitment on public financing reform. As for Clinton, “I find her to be incredibly corrupt.”

Trying to lure young voters, Politico reported Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign went to Las Vegas and held a fundraiser at the Black Hat hacker conference this week. For $100 to $2,7000, donors were able to mingle with former officials from the Defense and Homeland Security Departments. Clinton’s cyber and tech platform has been met with a mix of praise and condemnation by the hacker community.

This from the woman who masterminded the email scandal? And who’s classified emails are all over the internet? 

Via RT
