When American Progressives, the MSM, and Chinese Communist propaganda merge. 

When American Progressives, the MSM, and Chinese Communist propaganda merge. 

Jennifer Zeng 曾錚 on Twitter

The Chinese characters on the red banner read, “‘ Congratulate’ #US for confirming 100K+ #COVID19 cases. I love China. Fight Against USA!” https://t.co/tpq7eKDl5n

Jennifer Zeng 曾錚 on Twitter

Somewhere in #CCP ruled #China, people setting off firecrackers to “congratulate” #US for confirming 100K+ #COVID19 cases. “I love China. Fight Against USA! I love my country. I am proud!” Woman shouts. For more: https://t.co/fSwmxEsPYp #CCPVirus #Coronavirus #DownWithTheCCP https://t.co/RGl32oJPPO
