Reports: Chelsea Clinton’s Top-Paying Jobs Draw Comparison To Hunter Biden

AP19289797651492The parallel between the Bidens and Clintons is clear. If you are a family with power, influence, and wealth, your kids can do anything because they are well connected.

New reports are claiming the Clinton family may be involved in corruption practices similar to those of the Bidens. Corporate disclosures revealed Chelsea Clinton has landed several high-paying jobs over the course of her career, despite a lack of experience.

Clinton has held top positions at consulting firm McKinsey and Company and investment firm Avenue Capital, despite lacking qualifications in management and finance. She was also an investigative reporter for NBC News, where she made $600,000 each year. This salary far outpaces the national average of $36,000 per year.

This comes amid rising concerns of under-qualified children of top Democrat officials landing top-paying jobs, both in the U.S. and abroad.

“For a guy to walk in off the street with no experience, a bad track record, just got thrown out of the navy — and he walks away with $1.5 billion,” President Trump said, in reference to Hunter Biden. “It’s a crooked deal.”

Some of Chelsea Clinton’s employers are reportedly major donors to the Democrat Party.
