PRH Commissioners Considering Possible 3rd Expansion Bond Election

Web 92 900x436This is the way statists work. 

  1. Propose a bond for $29 million.
    1. They absolutely must have that much. Nothing less will do.
    2. Notice that it’s not $30m. That’s like gasoline being $2.99
  2. It fails. 
  3. Propose a bond for $29 million again. The people didn’t understand the first time.
  4. It fails. 
  5. Propose a bond for $19 million. They came halfway, so should the voters. 
  6. Voters agree. They are out $19 million but feel like winners since they didn’t spend $29 million. 

The Pullman Regional Hospital Commissioners will consider the option of running the $29 million bond to expand the hospital for a third time.  Scott Adams, hospital CEO, told the board it will discuss the matter during a retreat in January.  The commissioners held their monthly meeting Wednesday night.

On its second attempt, the PRH expansion bond failed to reach the 60% super majority voter approval needed for passage last month. The bond gained at 59.7% approval.

The bond also failed in April when not enough voters took part in the election to validate the decision.

Tricia Grantham, board president, says there was a conversation around whether to have a recount, but Washington state law requires five or more registered voters to file a written request for a recount to occur. Those voters would also be required to pay any cost associated with the recount.  “After some lengthy discussion, the hospital has taken the direction not to pursue that,” Grantham says.

The $29 million bond would have been used to fund a $40 million revamp of hospital facilities, specialties offered and hospital records.
