VIRAL VIDEO: Atlanta Man Scolds BLM After 8-Year-Old Killed: ‘If This Were A White Police Officer…’

GettyImages 1219982840 scaledThis video is well worth watching. 

He left the liberal MSM speechless. 


“If this was a white police officer gunning down three blacks and injuring four, Wilson High School would be set on fire and every black leader, every community leader, would be up here,” the man angrily told reporters. “Black Lives Matter, hands up.  Blacks have murdered other blacks every 32 hours since June. I’ve been in this town all my life, I’m 56 years old, I am afraid of being shot and gunned down by a black man.”

“Again if this was a white police officer shooting and killing three blacks,  people will be out here, the school will be on fire, people will be coming forward saying, ‘I saw this white police officer,’” he continued. “But because it’s black on black crime, it’s socially acceptable for blacks not to talk to The police. It is appalling. Every 32 hours since June, blacks have been murdering blacks, and you all have to do a better job.”

Dinesh D’Souza on Twitter: “This man’s message to marxist-led #BlackLivesMatter will never be aired on CNN. / Twitter”

This man’s message to marxist-led #BlackLivesMatter will never be aired on CNN.
