NYC Mayor Singles Out Jews for Arrest

USA NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio March 9 Jeenah Moon Getty 1024 600They would never get away with this with the black community 

But apparently, the Jews are fair game. 

On Tuesday night, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio took to Twitter singling out Jews and threatening to arrest them.

Mayor Bill de Blasio on Twitter

My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple: the time for warnings has passed. I have instructed the NYPD to proceed immediately to summons or even arrest those who gather in large groups. This is about stopping this disease and saving lives. Period.

De Blasio isolated New York’s Jewish community in response to Hasidic Jews gathering for a funeral that was approved by the city.

Dovi Stern on Twitter

@NYCMayor This Funeral was originally approved and actually organized by @NYPDnews 2 hours b4 it started, PD brought trucks with barriers/tower lights to close off Bedford Avenue and the surrounding area. It’s the @NYCMayor’s Dept who originally approved it before deciding to take it back.

However, the mayor did not use the same intense language regarding the large crowds gathered to watch the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds soaring through New York’s sky .

The Meturgeman on Twitter

You can call it one standard, but I didn’t see you running out to tweet about these crowds, earlier today. Because it’s not one standard. & I’m saying this as someone who is absolutely miffed that so many people felt the need to go to the funeral. I’ve missed too many myself.
