President Trump: Obamacare hurts families badly

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

The DEDUCTIBLE which comes with ObamaCare is so high that it is practically not even useable! Hurts families badly. We have a chance, working with the Democrats, to deliver great HealthCare! A confirming Supreme Court Decision will lead to GREAT HealthCare results for Americans!

“It’s a great ruling for our country, we’ll be able to get great health care, we’ll sit down with the Democrats — if the Supreme Court upholds — we’ll be sitting down with the Democrats and we will get great health care for our people,” he stated. “Let’s say ‘Repeal and Replace’ — handled a little differently, but it was a big, big victory by a highly respected judge.”

The president is hoping the high court would uphold the judge’s ruling, and said a Supreme Court decision to confirm the ruling would lead to great health care results for Americans.
