University Ditches Homecoming King and Queen for ‘Inclusive’ ‘Royals’

University Ditches Homecoming King and Queen for ‘Inclusive’ ‘Royals’

The University of Minnesota is replacing the titles of homecoming “King and Queen” with the gender-neutral all-inclusive “Royals” as part an “effort toward gender inclusivity” for trans and gender non-conforming students. A statement on the University of Minnesota 2017 homecoming page claims the move is in the “spirit of inclusion” so students with “any combination of gender identity” can win the homecoming titles.

2 thoughts on “University Ditches Homecoming King and Queen for ‘Inclusive’ ‘Royals’”

  1. Scott Dredge

    As I predicted, social conservatives will lose on this issue same as every other issue such as inter-racial marriage bans, gay marriage bans, abortion bans, tranny bathroom bans etc., etc., etc.

    1. I could care less who government schools crown for their royalty.

      My point is that the left have done away with three millennia of social norms.

      Your experiment isn’t going to end well.

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