Undercover Journalist in Burqa Offered Huma Abedin’s Ballot!

Over the years James O’Keefe and the folks at Project Veritas have proved over and over again that the possibility (and the likelihood) of  voter fraud taking place across America is high. Over and over again the journalists at Project Veritas have unmasked just how easy it is to commit voter fraud in America, and over and over again their liberal opponents have simply ignored the evidence.

I’m not sure they’ll be able to ignore the latest effort from Project Veritas though…. because in the latest video an undercover journalist was actually offered Huma Abedin’s ballot.

Abedin is Hillary Clinton’s closest confidante and long time “right-hand” woman. In fact, short of claiming to be Hillary Clinton herself, Huma Abedin is as close the candidate as the journalist could claim to be… and still she was offered a “paper” ballot.

It’s pretty shocking stuff and it once again shows just how easy it is for liberals to cheat the system.
