Trump campaign trolls Biden over latest race gaffe with “You Ain’t Diverse” T-shirts

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Biden said:

“Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.”

Piggy-backing off the “You Ain’t Black” T-shirts they introduced after the line presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden infamously delivered to a black radio host, the Trump 2020 campaign is capitalizing on Biden’s latest race-based gaffe, now offering “You Ain’t Diverse” shirts for sale on its website.

The slogan is based on Joe Biden’s viral remarks from a Wednesday interview in which he said that “unlike the African-American community,” Latinos are “diverse” and have “different attitudes about different things,” insinuating that the black community has no diversity of thought.

Adam Ford on Twitter: “So here’s the Democratic candidate for president basically saying that all black people are the same and hold the same opinions about everything / Twitter”

So here’s the Democratic candidate for president basically saying that all black people are the same and hold the same opinions about everything
