Texas Delegation Breakfast Descends Into Screaming Match

I love this quote: “Limon said people left the breakfast in good spirits, and he feels the delegation is united behind Clinton as they head into the roll call vote later Tuesday.”

You keep telling yourselves that. But this video clearly shows otherwise. 

A Texas delegation breakfast Tuesday morning broke out in a screaming match as a Bernie Sanders delegate told the crowd he was “condemning our presumptive nominee.

The comment came during a unity effort, during which the delegate, Russell Lytle, was expected to talk about the Sanders revolution and then segue into ways to work to elect Democrats across the state.

Chaos erupted after his comment as Hillary Clinton supporters and delegates booed the speaker and chanted Clinton’s name.

“We’re just in a state of shock because that’s not what we were told was going to happen,” said Gilberto Hinojosa, chairman of the Texas Democratic Party.

The tension at the breakfast comes as the Democratic Party is trying to unify the Sanders and Clinton supporters, but that task has proved difficult. On Monday night, speakers were continually booed by Sanders supporters at the mere mention of Clinton’s name.

Via Politico
