Shepard Smith Unhinged, Claims Trump Staff Was Calling Russia During Hackings

The media were at DEFCON three Thursday following a lengthy and heated press conference with President Donald Trump where he went toe-to-toe with the biased press. Trump’s tongue lashing of the media had Fox News’ Shepard Smith frothing at the mouth with anger as he accused the president with a dubious smear during his show. “Your opposition was hacked and the Russians were responsible for it and your people were on the phone with Russia the same day it was happening and we’re fools asking the questions,” he shouted with claims no report had ever made.

No, sir, we’re not fools for asking this question and we demand to know the answer to this question. You owe this to the American people,” Smith continued to yell. But no report had ever made the claim that Trump’s campaign staff was on the phone with Russian intelligence “the same day” the hacks were happening.

Un-ironically, Smith chastised the president for spewing “demonstrably, unquestionably, 100 percent, opinion aside, false” statements. Smith seemed to try and make the connections that many in the media hope are there but have not been found by the FBI. According to the leaked information from the FBI investigation, there has been no evidence discovered of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials. 


