Panel hears property tax relief proposals

622ab4721f046The House Revenue and Taxation Committee on Thursday heard three proposals to provide property tax relief — a top issue legislative leaders highlighted at the start of the session.

Each piece of legislation took a different approach to solving the issue. One would use a percentage of sales tax revenue to reduce property tax bills, one would reinstitute indexing on the homeowner’s exemption, and the third includes sweeping changes to add funding for school districts to pay off bonds, change election dates for bonds and levies, and increases the homeowner’s exemption.

The three options: 

  1. Sen. Scott Grow (R-Eagle) proposal: Use sales tax revenue
  2. Rep. Bruce Skaug (R-Nampa) proposal: Index the homeowner’s exemption
  3. House Speaker Mike Moyle (R-Star) proposal: Give money for school funding, increase the homeowner’s exemption, increase circuit breaker and more

Read all about it here: 
