Letters: Too many fatal accidents; Another accident on Highway 95

A couple Letters to the Editor today by Moscowans fed up with the obstructionists at Paradise Ridge Defense Coalition who, ostensibly desire to protect the environment, are hurting their neighbors. 

I’m responding to the story headlined “Complaint filed over proposed US 95 route” (Page One, Aug. 20 & 21).

Fourteen years – that’s how long the realignment and widening of U.S. Highway 95 south of Moscow has been blocked. First proposed in 2003, construction has been delayed over and over by legal maneuvers. Environmental impact statements have long been completed, numerous public forums have been heard, and alternate routes have been exhaustively considered.

Unfortunately, according to a news release from Paradise Ridge Defense Coalition dated Aug. 18, a small group of people are again seeking to stop construction.

It’s time for the Paradise Ridge Defense Coalition to drop its obstruction of this overdue project. This is an incredibly dangerous 6.5 mile stretch of local highway. Many thousands of their neighbors travel this road every day for work and school. More than 20 accidents yearly happen on this collection of hazardous curves and hills. Too many of these accidents are fatal.

They ought to consider the real safety of their neighbors. Due process has occurred. Their objections have been heard and considered. Idaho Transportation Department has a well-conceived plan for making our southern portal safer. It’s time to move ahead.

Rod Story

Those who have obstructed the widening of Highway 95 from Thorn Creek to Moscow for the past 15 years should let the approved project proceed along the eastern route without further delay. Another accident on Saturday afternoon on the curve between Jacksha and Zeitler roads did not have to happen. The approved eastern route gets rid of the dangerous curves and the Reisenauer Hill curve and downgrade.


LeNelle McInturff
