Glacier melting since Jefferson lived reveals 2000-yr-old frozen forest from prior warm period

Take a minute to read this article. It’s really fascinating that under the glacier is a 2000 year-old forest.

Glacier melting since Jefferson lived reveals 2000-yr-old frozen forest from prior warm period, which never happened before today’s global warming which will kill us all because shut up denier. #science

Melting Glacier Exposes Frozen Forest | The Weather Channel

The Mendenhall Glacier, which flows from the 1,500-square-mile Juneau Ice Field, has been retreating since the mid-1700s, according to the USDA Forest Service. But in the past 50 years, reports LiveScience, relics of an old forest have begun appearing amid the melted ice.

Razor on Twitter

Glacier melting since Jefferson lived reveals 2000-yr-old frozen forest from prior warm period, which never happened before today’s global warming which will kill us all because shut up denier. #science
