Democrats who sat through Trump tribute to fallen Navy SEAL blasted online (VIDEO)

Democrats are being blasted for remaining seated during a tribute from President Donald Trump for fallen US Navy SEAL William ‘Ryan’ Owens in which Congress gave a 2-minute standing ovation. 

The Dems hate Trump so much that they are not even willing to pay their respects to a fallen soldier? 

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Ben Shapiro on Twitter

AWFUL: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand, Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump

Gene Castle on Twitter

I think the Democrats really hurt themselves with the American people. They wouldn’t even stand for the widow of the fallen Navy Seal.

Benny on Twitter

Sobbing widow of slain Navy Seal receives 2 minute standing ovation. Debbie Wasserman Schultz & Keith Ellison stay firmly seated, no claps
