Why is Discrimination Against Asians OK?

You have to wonder how racism against Asians is OK, but racism against blacks or hispanics is bad. 

You would think that it would all be bad. 

But there are certain races that it’s ok to discriminate against. 

Institutions across the Western world profess to be in favour of equality and opposed to racism. These views are especially prevalent at institutions of higher learning, where young people are taught that racism, past and present, is a profound moral stain. We’re supposed to treat people as individuals, not as members of an identifiable group.

But that’s not how many universities actually behave. If you happen to be born into an Asian family and wish to attend Harvard, the deck is stacked against you. In thewords of Debra Soh, test scores “of Asian applicants need to be hundreds of points higher than applicants from other ethnic backgrounds.” Rather than treating Asian teenagers as individuals, Harvard holds their ethnicity against them.

Somewhere along the line, you see, colour-blindness got tossed aside. Harvard and other Ivy League schools (which receivebillionsin public money) care more about something else: racially ‘balanced’ campuses in which the percentage of students from various populations is set arbitrarily. In other words, the accident of belonging to a particular ethnic group becomescentralto whether you’re awarded a coveted spot or get rejected.

Historically, during the bad old days, Harvard took steps to ensure it didn’t accept too many Jews. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Via No Frakking Consensus
