Vermont School District To Remove Terms “Male” And “Female” From Sex Ed Curriculum


Because the woke no longer know what a woman or man are. 

When did it become acceptable for publicly funded schools to teach baseless ideology instead of biological facts? Gender identity concepts are becoming pervasive within the American educational system without any input from parents, and in some cases even state officials are unaware of the changes to curriculum until they are already implemented.

It takes a vast coordinated effort among teachers unions and district leaders in order to sneak a subversive political belief system into the wider educational language of most public institutions. Only recently are parents and representatives starting to observe the behavior of educators and intervene when they step out of line. The injection of gender fluid terminology happened at a blitzkrieg pace, and the public is racing to catch up.

A recent example of this has been discovered in Vermont, where the Essex Westford school district has been criticized for attempting to re-engineer sex education for students into an exercise in gender politics and equity cultism.

5th grade children will be taught about puberty and human reproduction, but words like “boy,” “girl,” and “male and female” will be removed from the curriculum language. Instead, classes will use terms like “person who produces sperm” and “person who produces eggs.” The following memo from the Essex Westford district to parents outlines the new mandates:


The original page on the school district website appears to have been removed.Essex Westford has been caught in the past using embedded leftist messaging within otherwise standard lessons. For example, last year the same district received complaints from parents over a study program on the US Constitution which was somehow twisted into a discussion on “trans youth issues” and included scenarios in which characters applauded the greatness of communism.
