Unsung Heroes: America’s Truckers Remain Crucial To Supply Chain

Trucker 656x437Thank a trucker!

As the coronavirus continues to spread, a growing number of Americans have crowded grocery stores to buy everything from toilet paper to food and bottled water.

The crucial role of getting supplies on the shelves falls to the American trucker.

“If we don’t roll, then y’all don’t eat,” stated one trucker. “No toilet paper, no nothing on the shelves, you know, so we gotta keep going.”

American Trucking on Twitter: “As #Coronavirus causes a run on hand-sanitizer, canned goods and toilet paper, it’s the American trucker who goes the extra mile. #thankatrucker #trucking #COVID19 / Twitter”

As #Coronavirus causes a run on hand-sanitizer, canned goods and toilet paper, it’s the American trucker who goes the extra mile. #thankatrucker #trucking #COVID19
