Trump still alive & well … in Idaho

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is making history, but not in the way he way he wants.

He has to be leading the pack in political obituaries written about him, and he keeps giving fodder for these death notices. We’re constantly seeing reports about how Republicans are walking – no, running – away from his campaign and putting efforts into keeping GOP control of Congress. The strategy is akin to a football team trying to win a game without a quarterback.

The only thing that is keeping him within striking range in the polls is … his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, who is making almost as many gaffes as Trump. One of my favorites is her bold announcement that she will quit accepting corporate donations to the Clinton Foundation after she wins the presidential election. Of course, it’s OK for these wealthy donors, who buy and sell politicians like used cars, to contribute before the election. I’m sure that after the election, she will be accepting reservations for the Lincoln bedroom at the White House.

Still, there are some Republicans saying they are giving up on their nominee. Others seem to be holding out hope that he’ll drop out.

But none of that talk is happening in Idaho, which has been a lock for Republicans for almost half a century. 

Via Spokesman Review
