Their View: It is time for Parks to take a hard look at Palouse Falls

NewImageThe Daily News Editorial Board wants the park service to do more to protect us from ourselves. 

When I was in Cape Town, South Africa, a few years ago, I had the opportunity to hike up to the top of Lion’s Head and all over the top of Table Mountain. 

I mentioned to my son that this would never be allowed in the USA. The nannies would be so afraid that someone might get hurt that they would make it illegal to enjoy the hike. 

And that’s what the Daily News editorial board is proposing as well. 

Liberty means that you have the right to be stupid and to do something dangerous. Do you want to take away liberty? 

To avoid future deaths, it is time for the state to do more to protect park visitors.

According to the Herald, signs currently at the park say, “Travel beyond this point is on potentially hazardous trails,” and “users assume all risk associated with travel beyond this point. Rescue costs will be at the expense of the injured party.” Beyond those signs, formal trails do not exist, but the lure of the falls entices many to venture into the areas that are hazardous.
The signs are a start, but, “potentially hazardous,” is quite an understatement at this point, and the “rescue costs” threats are not working either.

An assessment to improve safety at the park is happening now, which is standard procedure every time there is a serious incident at a Washington state park.

We hope state officials treat this routine assessment with the severity it deserves – people are dying.
