The Effects of the Bray Climate and Solar Cycle

This isn’t a science blog site, so I won’t bore you with the details. But scientists are finding solid correlations (82%) between solar cycles and climate cycles for the past 10,000 years. 

If you are really interested, Google around for the ~2450 year Bray solar and climate cycle

This is fascinating stuff, and helps explain how we had global warming and cooling before the first SUV was ever invented.

Javier has posted three new essays on the Bray climate and solar cycle on Judith Curry’s web site. Part A is here, part B is here and Part C is here. In these posts, he lays out the evidence, in some detail, for the climate cycle and the associated solar cycle. Here I will summarize the results of his analysis and explain why it matters. The Bray solar and climate cycle are arguably the most important climate/solar cycle of the Holocene Epoch.

The Bray cycle is about 2450 years from beginning to end and the Bray Lows, which are the coldest portion of the cycle, are the most important events. The Bray lows are easily seen in glacial advances around the world (Bray, 1968), foraminifera fossil records, archaeological records, and lake sediment records. They are less evident in ice core records from Greenland and Antarctica. Figure 1 shows the Bray Lows of the Holocene as blue bars, labeled B5 to B1.




