Show us the data on climate change

I’m glad to see locals standing up against the AGW bullies. Our locals have educated themselves on the slight-of-hand that AGW bullies try to pull. 

Via the Moscow-Pullman Daily News

Kathy Dawes’ letter (June 1) again points to the need for the Daily News or an expert group to review the actual facts concerning anthropogenic global warming (AGW) and report the truth.

There needs to be a clear distinction made between climate change and AGW. Almost everybody agrees there is some climate change. The real issues are: Is this level of change critical? If it is, then what is the cause?


Most scientists will agree that at least a small portion of the climate change over the past 50 years can be attributed to increased production of CO2.

Beyond this there is significant disagreement over model projections of AGW. I am not aware of a single climate alarmist catastrophic prediction in the last 50 years that has come true.

There are lists of dire climate alarmist predictions that have not come true. The proposed President’s Commission on Climate Security should conduct an independent review of the science that underpins official government climate reports, such as the latest National Climate Assessment.

A coalition of almost 40 leading policy organizations and over 100 prominent leaders signed a letter stating that an independent review of federal global-warming reports is “long overdue.” “Serious problems and shortcomings have been raised repeatedly in the past by highly-qualified scientists only to be ignored or dismissed by the federal agencies in charge of producing the reports,” the leaders and organizations explained.

In multiple cases, federal bureaucracies have even been accused of fraudulently manipulating data and findings to support their politically backed conclusions (

The media and a religious body of climate alarmists continue to parrot “consensus” without producing the supporting data that can be verified by other scientists and the public. Show us the data supporting your zeal that we might have grounds to believe your demands for drastic action.

Larry Kirkland
