Senators speak out on Obamacare ruling

RINO Republicans are running scared. They are all for socialized medicine, but against Obamacare. 

Now what will they do? 

Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) says she believes the judge’s ruling is too sweeping and expects it to be overturned, but the republican added the decision would not effect those currently enrolled, and added the individual mandate is the real issue, and faces widespread opposition. Collins also claimed the same for in regards to supporting protections for pre-existing medical conditions.

Alternatively, Republican Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said the ruling doesn’t bring an immediate change, but sets the stage to dismantle the Affordable Care Act.

He said the mandate was very punishing, and badly affected millions of low-and middle-income Americans. Barrasso suggested states should be given “flexibility and freedom to do what works best with the money” because it would be better for families as well as patients.
