Pullman City Council urged to act against immigration bans

If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it. 

The city council chambers were packed to standing room only Tuesday night as two community members spoke against immigration bans issued by President Donald Trump.

The two urged action from the Pullman City Council regarding the orders, which ban travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries and suspend refugee admissions. No action was taken on the public comment items, but the council discussed immigration later Tuesday as part of a list of priorities for local state representatives to consider.

Keyla Palominos, who described herself as an “undocumented” student at Washington State University, said the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy signed by President Barack Obama protects her from deportation and makes her eligible to work in the United States. That could be taken away with one signature by Trump, she said. And while Trump’s immigration order doesn’t affect her directly, she felt compelled to speak out against it.

“There are steps the city of Pullman can take to protect immigrant communities,” Palominos said. “The first step is to ensure the local law enforcement does not cooperate with federal immigration services.”

Palominos also asked the council to “stand in solidarity” with the Muslim community and oppose a faith-based registry.

Though the council does not take action on public comments, Mayor Glenn Johnson said Pullman has a “safe” and “very diverse” community.

“This is a community that we want to support our residents,” he said.

Via LMT 
