President Trump, RNC Breaks Presidential Fundraising Record

Chartoftheday 17762 presidential fundraising totals nThis is bad news for the Dems. Check out their fundraising. 

Their #1 frontrunner (Biden) is in 5th place among his peers. 

The Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Trump campaign raised a combined $125 million last quarter. Both now have a record breaking $157 million cash-on-hand.

“A president has never gone into re-election with this much fundraising, this much grassroots support,” stated Liz Harrington, National spokeswoman for the RNC. “If you look at what President Obama had raised at this quarter in 2011 it was only $70 million.”

The average donation was $44.50 and 98 percent of donations were $200 or less. Part of the increase in small donor donations is due to the Republican online fundraising site Win Red. President Trump unveiled the platform back in June, which is designed to compete with the Democrats Act Bluefundraising operation.

In its first three months, Win Red raised more than Act Blue in three and a half years. With a record amount of cash, the RNC is focusing on building a strong ground team for 2020.
