Our View: The kind of ranking America doesn’t want

NewImageThe Moscow-Pullman Daily News Editorial Board came out against guns. No surprise. But this one kind of surprised me. 

It turns out that the US is 30th worldwide in gun-related murders. Listening to progressives, you would think that would be impossible since guns are illegal in the top 29 states, and they want us to be like them. But no. 

According to a study published by the journal JAMA, more than 250,000 people died across the globe in 2016 because of firearms. Sixty-four percent were determined to be homicides, while 27 percent were reported as suicides. The rest were accidental shootings.

But here comes the spin: 



 The U.S. ranks 30th worldwide in gun-related homicides, but has the second highest rate of suicides by guns at 6.4 per 100,000 deaths. All told, America has the second highest number of gun-related deaths.

I’m no fan of suicide. 

But this one is a head-scratcher for me. The Editorial Board is in favor of doctor-assisted suicide. So they clearly don’t have a problem with people murdering themselves. It’s doing it with a gun that bugs them. If they want to push a button or take pills, well that’s fine and dandy. 
