NYC Mayor De Blasio proposes bill banning glass and steel buildings

16093132579156113209Does the party of progress think that progress is made by banning everything? 

They should be called the regressive party. 

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is set to introduce a new bill banning glass and steel skyscrapers, which is a move influenced by the Geen New Deal.

While speaking to the public Monday, De Blasio claimed glass structures are “inefficient” and use “too much energy.” He then went on to say the buildings are “the number one cause of greenhouse emissions in the city,” not cars or other forms of transportation.

“We’ll put strong new rules in place,” stated De Blasio. “I think what’s going to mean is a lot of building owners are not going to build those kind of buildings, or if they choose to they’re going to have to do a lot to compensate with other energy saving measures.”
