News from our Nearest Star

NewImageNASA reports massive hole in Sun’s atmosphere

Huge hole over 400,000 miles long (700,000 kilometers) is 55 times wider than the Earth

This will be of interest to those who believe the sun controls the earth’s temperature.  

A wide hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing Earth and spewing a stream of solar wind toward our planet. Estimated time of arrival: April 9th. In this extreme ultraviolet image from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, we see not only the hole, but also a bushy filament of magnetic bordering the hole’s leading edge:

Such filaments are often unstable. If this one erupts while it is facing Earth, it could hurl a CME in our direction, adding to the effect of the incoming solar wind.

The canyon-shaped hole is remarkably wide, stretching more than 700,000 km from end to end. As a result, Earth could be under the influence of its gaseous emissions for days.

