New Study Finds Wimpy Guys Are More Likely To Be Socialists


The timing of this article today with Nick Gier’s Daily News screed today is ironic and apropos. Via MRCTV

It’s now been scientifically proven that the wimpier the guy, the more likely he is to be a socialist. No kidding.

According to a new study, physically weaker men are more prone to support socialism, a trend psychologists say may be because they feel they can’t compete against stronger men and are therefore consider inequality more threatening. 

According to the Times, U.K., Brunel University ran a study on 171 men, measuring everything from their strength, height, weight and even bicep circumference. What the university found was that the physically inferior men tended to be the ones who said they supported the redistribution of wealth.


The physically stronger men, on the other hand, were a lot more prone to backing capitalism, and said they supported the idea of naturally dominant social groups.

“This is about our Stone Age brains, in a modern society,” explained the university’s own Michael Price. “Our minds evolved in environments where strength was a big determinant of success. If you find yourself in a body not threatened by other males, if you feel you can win competitions for status, then maybe you start thinking inequality is pretty good.”

“Of course this isn’t rational in modern environments, where your ability to win might have more to do with where you went to university,” he added. “Lots of guys who are phenomenally successful in modern societies would probably be nowhere near as successful in hunter gatherer societies.”
