Many rural roads in North Whitman County impassable


Whitman County crews are having a difficult time keeping up with the heavy snow on rural roads in the North part of the county.  Crews with the county road department are dealing with deep drifts and blowing snow.  Those crews are currently working to clear paved roads only.  The department is having to use graders to punch through the drifts followed by plows.  Once the paved roads in North Whitman County are passable again the crews will move onto gravel roads.  Whitman County officials are urging drivers to stay off rural roads as much as possible especially in the North part of the county from Lamont through Rosalia to Tekoa.

Many rural roads in North Whitman County impassable

Whitman County crews are having a difficult time keeping up with the heavy snow on rural roads in the North part of the county. Crews with the county road department are dealing with deep drifts and blowing snow. Those crews are currently working to clear paved roads only.
