“Make America Great Again” Listed On College’s “White Supremacy” Pyramid

2019 10 08 11 00 54

Which means that everyone attending a MAGA rally are covert white supremacists. 


San Diego City College hosted a white supremacist seminar in early October, distributing flyers claiming that cultural appropriation, “racist mascots,” and “Make America Great Again” are instances of white supremacy.

The event, “Confronting White Supremacy through the Arts” was hosted by co-directors of the World Cultures program at SDCC, professors Michelle Chan and Maria-Jose Zeledon-Perez.


“Come join us in confronting White Supremacy through students’ performances,” read a promotional flyer for the event, photographed by Campus Reform. “Prior to the performances, guest speakers will set the stage and contextualize what white supremacy is, its areas of activity, and how rampant it is in our society, curriculum, mindsets, and media.”


‘Make America Great Again’ listed on Calif. college’s ‘white supremacy’ pyramid

