Louisiana Student Suspended and Threatened With Expulsion for Having a BB Gun in His Room

UntitledImageYet another reason to pull your kids out of government schools. 

In Louisiana, 4th-grade student Ka’Mauri Harrison got into big trouble while he was taking a test during virtual school at Woodmere Elementary School. The reason? A teacher spotted an unloaded BB gun in the video frame during the test.

The New Orleans Advocate reported on this story last week and explained the ridiculousness of the school’s actions.

According to interviews and documents from the Jefferson school system, the incident began when Ka’Mauri was online for a language arts lesson. Because he was taking a test, he muted the computer. At the same time, his brother, with whom he shares a room, was playing in the room and tripped over the BB gun, which was lying on the floor.

“Harrison left his seat [at home] momentarily, out of view of the teacher,” a school behavior report says. “When the student returned, he had what appeared to be a full-sized rifle in his possession.”

He then put the BB gun next to his chair, but the barrel was still visible, the report says. He did not respond to calls from the teacher because he had muted the sound while taking the test, the report says.

Harrison was immediately removed from the virtual classroom by the teacher, not understanding why, and then the incident was reported to school administrators who considered EXPELLING the child from school before lowering the punishment to a 6-day suspension. Because the teacher happened to see that a 9-year-old boy had a BB gun in his own home.

