Liberal Pundit Doesn’t Think Violence Against Whites Should be Called a “Hate Crime”

NewImageBottom line: only white’s can commit hate crimes. It can never be committed by a minority. 

Background: President Obama characterized the July shootings in Dallas a “hate crime,” which really bothered some progressives like  Ebony magazine’s editor Jamilah Lemieux, who argued that the President was probably wrong to call the attack a “hate crime.”

I have to say, I would not describe ‘hate crime’ as the most comfortable word choice, considering these circumstances. There’s so much that we do not know about what took place, what motivated this person. We only have the one account of law enforcement… when we use a phrase like ‘hate crime,’ we’re typically referring to crimes against people of color, people of various religious groups, LGBT people, people who have been historically attacked, abused or disenfranchised on the basis of their identity. To now extend that to the majority group and a group of people that have a history with African-Americans that has been abusive– and we can apply that to either police officers or to Caucasians– I think gets into very tricky territory.

What’s so tricky about it? Former FBI agent Steve Moore cut to the chase: 

“You can’t just say that only certain groups are allowed to be hated, only certain groups can have crimes designated as hate crimes against them. That’s racism.”

But clearly, it can’t be racism since only whites are racists… 
