Letter: Too bad there isn’t a vaccine for ignorance

Kelly Zakariasen of Moscow came off the top ropes on the editors of the Moscow-Pullman Daily News: 

If you are interested, I have included the 11-page MMR Warning from the FDA at the bottom of the article. 

Devin Rokyta, in his recent opinion piece (“Our View: Anti-vaxxers continue to put us at serious risk,” Jan. 5) blaming “anti-vaxxers” for the current measles outbreak in Washington, alleges that parents who choose not to vaccinate their children are instead opting to spread disease, or worse – death for their children. Rokyta accuses “anti-vaxxers” of wiping out the progress of eliminating measles in the U.S. and presses the Idaho Legislature to remove the freedom of parents to choose what medical procedures are best for their own children. All this, he states, because “our children should not die because of pseudoscience.”

Mr. Rokyta’s sensationalism is nothing more than pseudonews.

There have been only three deaths from measles in the U.S. since 2000. There is no evidence in recent years that unvaccinated children have caused a single death from measles in the U.S., but there is evidence that fully vaccinated people can contract and spread the disease.
Moreover, in the last 30 years 450 deaths and approximately 89,000 adverse reactions have been attributed to the MMR vaccine. Vaccination carries scientifically documented risks. Read the vaccine manufacturers’ package inserts.

Despite these facts, Mr. Rokyta seems devoted to scaring the public about the ominous threat of measles when in reality, the risk of death from the disease is marginal to none.

The DNews marches directly in step with the nationwide push to eliminate vaccine exemptions, to remove the rights of parents to make the best medical decisions for their children and of citizens to have medical oversight of their own bodies. The DNews is anti-choice. They want the government to have sovereignty over our bodies. I think we know how that ended for the Jews in Nazi Germany.

Kelly Zakariasen

Here’s the link to the long, long warning: 

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