Letter to the Editor: Don’t Forget the Berlin Wall

Kathy Graham of Moscow wrote a most entertaining letter to the editor of the Moscow-Pullman Daily News. Let’s dissect it:  

It appears that too many people have forgotten the Berlin Wall, especially President Trump supporters, but that is exactly what Trump wants to build.

Kathy Graham

Having lived in Germany in the late 1970s, having had a college teacher who escaped from East Germany in a hidden compartment in a car trunk, and having crossed through Checkpoint Charlie into East Berlin myself, I can tell you that the wall wasn’t built to keep West Germans (or any westerners) out of East Germany. That was nice propaganda by the East, though.

If Kathy wants to draw a parallel, it would be for Trump to build a wall to keep US citizens from escaping into Mexico. Now that would be a parallel with East Germany. 

But it’s not. 
