Holder Attacks Trump For Corruption, Gets SMACKED By Interwebs

People who live in glass houses… Via Daily Wire

Former Attorney General Eric Holder decided it was a great idea to publicly criticize President Trump over corruption — and proceeded to get smacked around on Twitter because he forgot that he’s, you know, Eric Holder.

In reacting to Trump warning that he would fire special counsel Robert Mueller if he investigated his family’s finances, Holder tweeted out a mini-rant. 

“There is NO basis to question the integrity of Mueller or those serving with him in the special counsel’s office. And no conflicts either,” he wrote, adding, “Trump cannot define or constrain Mueller investigation. If he tries to do so this creates issues of constitutional and criminal dimension.”

Eric Holder on Twitter: “There is NO basis to question the integrity of Mueller or those serving with him in the special counsel’s office. And no conflicts either / Twitter”

There is NO basis to question the integrity of Mueller or those serving with him in the special counsel’s office. And no conflicts either

Eric Holder on Twitter: “Trump cannot define or constrain Mueller investigation. If he tries to do so this creates issues of constitutional and criminal dimension. / Twitter”

Trump cannot define or constrain Mueller investigation. If he tries to do so this creates issues of constitutional and criminal dimension.

Then the smackdowns began. 

Robert J. MacLean on Twitter: “WE NEVER forget: Border Patrol Brian Terry 🍀🚔 Cc: @BPUnion @NBPC2544 @NBPC1613 @NBPC2366DelRio @Local2455 https://t.co/WcrdX2pdkd / Twitter”

WE NEVER forget: Border Patrol Brian Terry 🍀🚔 Cc: @BPUnion @NBPC2544 @NBPC1613 @NBPC2366DelRio @Local2455 https://t.co/WcrdX2pdkd

John Cardillo on Twitter: “Mr. Fast and Furious @EricHolder who got Agent Brian Terry killed then tried to cover it up should not be lecturing anyone on integrity. https://t.co/vZ4rQhrLo2 / Twitter”

Mr. Fast and Furious @EricHolder who got Agent Brian Terry killed then tried to cover it up should not be lecturing anyone on integrity. https://t.co/vZ4rQhrLo2

Dinesh D’Souza on Twitter: “You know something’s up when a Mafia boss insists on the importance of rule of law https://t.co/wPzIzOIj4i / Twitter”

You know something’s up when a Mafia boss insists on the importance of rule of law https://t.co/wPzIzOIj4i


Holder must have been banking on the public having a short memory from his stint as attorney general, where he proved to be one of the most corrupt, politicized attorney generals in history. Holder’s actions as attorney general included:

  • Being held in contempt of Congress for stonewalling the investigation into Operation Fast and Furious, which resulted in arming Mexican drug cartels and the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
  • Declining to prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party even though they clearly engaged in voter intimidation.
  • Using the Department of Justice as a way to rake in money from banks and spread that money to left-wing activist groups.
  • Refusing to prosecute former Commerce Secretary Bill Richardson despite pay-to-play evidence.

Additionally, as the deputy attorney general under the Clinton administration, Holder was instrumental in getting the Armed Forces for National Liberation terrorists clemency.
