Giuliani: Buzzfeed should be investigated for Cohen report

The President’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, says Buzzfeed “should be investigated for their story on Michael Cohen.

Giuliani made the comment in an interview with CNN on Sunday, calling the report “scandalous” and “horrible.”

He also criticized the outlet’s decision to run the story, which has since been disputed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Speaking on Sunday, the former-mayor of New York said the publication “bought a totally phony story.” He added the report’s authors “weren’t going to buy it unless they got some phony stuff about federal agents, and then they went with it because they are the same ones who published the Steele Dossier, when no one else would do it.”

Giuliani continues to maintain that, as far as he knows, the President never told Cohen to lie to congress.
