Gallup: Americans’ Trust in Government to Handle Problems at New Low

Taey inopkiiamkbu0q naGreat. So what do we do? Turn to government for more help. ??‍♂️

  • 35% trust U.S. government to handle domestic problems, 41% international
  • 59% of Republicans, 28% of Democrats have confidence domestically
  • 66% of Republicans, 26% of Democrats have confidence internationally

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Americans’ trust in the federal government’s ability to handle both domestic and international problems has sunk to the lowest points in more than two decades. Thirty-five percent of Americans have “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of trust and confidence in the U.S. government’s ability to deal with domestic issues, down from 45% four months ago. Over the same period, the reading for handling international issues has dropped nine percentage points, to 41%.

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Via Gallup
