Gallup: 37% Say UN Doing ‘Good Job’ Solving Problems

Americans’ views of the United Nations are unchanged, but Republicans’ and Democrats’ opinions have diverged sharply in recent years.

Thirty-seven percent of Americans say the United Nations is doing a “good job” of solving the problems it faces, similar to what Gallup has measured since 2013 but above the 2009 low of 26%. The latest figure comes as President Donald Trump considers a directive to significantly reduce U.S. contributions to international organizations, including the U.N.

Chart 1


Since 2001, Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents have rated the U.N. more positively than Republicans and Republican-leaning independents have, with Democrats’ average approval rating (46%) nearly doubling that of Republicans (24%).

But the gap in party ratings has been growing and is now the largest Gallup has recorded since 2001. While a majority of Democrats (57%) currently say the U.N. is doing a good job of solving world problems, a paltry 16% of Republicans rate the institution’s work positively.

Chart 2

Via Gallup
