Elizabeth Warren Tweets She Believes In Science, Gets Roasted Immediately


Elizabeth Warren replied to Trump’s tweet about wanting some global warming right now on the east coast. 

Elizabeth Warren on Twitter

I’m going to say something really crazy: I believe in science. Climate change is real and we have a moral obligation to protect this Earth for our children and grandchildren.

In response, Warren received an education in science on a range of topics, including DNA, gender and unborn children:

James Woods on Twitter

DNA is also based in science. Yours does not show you are Native American. So either you are an outright liar or you actually don’t believe in science. Which is it, #Liewatha https://t.co/Iq3T89Wnwt

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David Reaboi on Twitter


Ben Shapiro on Twitter

Now do the science of fetal development https://t.co/H5vnH6EA5b

Aaron Bandler on Twitter

If you actually believed in science you’d think that life begins at conception but you don’t, therefore you don’t actually believe in science. https://t.co/ALPmaWuVNV

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Harry Khachatrian on Twitter

Ok, @elizabethforma is an unborn child — with its own unique DNA and beating heart — a human? Science, right? https://t.co/iI9YySkgP9

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